Our passion and specialty lie in openings. Whether it is a tiny safe in the back of your closet, a gigantic bank vault door, thousands of safe deposit boxes or anything in between. We will get it open and back up and running without damage, guaranteed.
We utilize our intimate knowledge of these mechanisms to first diagnose the issue at hand. Then, before the drill comes out, we go through a process of various techniques to eliminate all other options before making the decision to put the smallest possible hole in it. Of course there are exceptions, but the vast majority of issues can be resoled through a single hole.
Once the unit is open, we repair our hole, clean out the internal mechanism and, address the issue that caused the lock out. Before buttoning it up we check the remainder of the mechanism for things like loose fasteners or friction points in need of lubrication. Also, if we encounter anything that could become a problem in the future we will walk you through the how and why.